Bloggin' with Michelle

About school, technology and my other interests

Projects for 2015-16


I had very few projects last school year, none worth writing about…..was a little bummed.

However, I’m sort of feeling a rejuvenation of sorts now and having a positive outlook for this year.

So here goes….

I’m doing a major formatting revision on my iBook lab manual. When text is in a scrolling text box, students can’t highlight the important parts of the procedure for quick viewing in the notes tab.

Since PES is now in the new AP Chemistry curriculum so I am going to put together my own iBook for this topic.

I need to incorporate more particulate representation activities into my curriculum. I am adding questions in the lab manual where appropriate but I’m thinking of doing a separate iBook, Notability files or some other useful app to address these types of problems. Still experimenting here.

Haven’t given up on the idea of a Science National Honor Society….we have to find some way to get students more involved with STEM.

Lost my Mac cart, being replaced with some Windows 8 machines. Have to compare my previous activities to see what students can do with similar applications. This will take some time.

I’ve given up the Varsity Club, for several reasons. 1) Limited the amount of days my daughter could go to her swim practice. (swim team is not affiliated with her school) 2) Difficult to get students committed to their obligations in this club. 3) So I have time to commit to my 2 newest passions….angora rabbits and knitting. 🙂 Hopefully with enough student interest forming a Knitting Club as school.

PETE&C Review 2014


One good thing about attending PETE&C is that it gives me an extra boost and usually results in me starting yet another project. I thought I would give an overview of some of the sessions I attended.

Common Sense Media

  • Best thing is that it is FREE!!
  • Must have resource for getting digital literacy content into your curriculum.
  • Has e-rate tool kit
  • Offers parent tip sheets
  • Program for grades 3-5 (Digital Passport), educate before they leave an unforgiving digital footprint
  • Check out Graphite
  • Connected to P21 Organization-21st century student outcomes and support

What’s New from Apple (& what I learned)

  • If you haven’t checked out Apple Site for iPad Resources lately, do this
  • I am finally convinced to upgrade my Mac to OSX Maverick
    • tagging structure
    • iBooks sync with all devices
    • iBooks can be used on computer
    • iMovie Theater
    • Dictation no longer needs the internet and can speak longer than 30sec
    • Tabbed finder & can merge all windows
  • Can turn off commercial stuff on apple TV
  • Airdrop – can move “stuff” between iPads

InSight 360 (

  • need software on computer by e-instruction
  • Another interactive presentation tool, similar to Nearpod
  • Cost associated with this, can get 30 free trial, going to try this

Digital Badges

  • Motivation strategy to get students more engaged.
  • Need Moodle 2.6 for this to work in our Moodle
  • Need to check out other options for this strategy, I know Blackboard has this, Canvas does too.
  • Consulting Slips & Pay it Forward

Creating Apps

  • This was over the top for trying to incorporate as a project in a chem class, has to be a class all itself.

Tools for your Digital Backpack

**Very good collection of tools – Look through the above presentation link

Other tidbits:

  • I can make epub and iBooks in Wikipedia
  • SAMR Model –  The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model offers a method of seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning.
  •  Groupboard Collaborative Whiteboard – Groupboard turns your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad into a collaborative whiteboard, allowing you to draw and chat in real time with other people anywhere on the internet, even with users using a web browser.
  • Digital Learning Studio – need one for teachers & students
  • Library of Congress’ Digital Collections Connection
  • Many presenters have their outlines at
  • Jim Gates -Anything he does is great, Bookmarklets you should access daily
  • Had a nice visit with some students from Millersville University – talked about flipping the classroom


Dr. John

  • Topic – Crucial Conversations about America’s Schools – outline at above link

Kevin Honeycutt

Dean Shareski


Projects for 2013-14


My current projects for this coming school year includes:

Upgrading from iPods to mini-iPads –  we have outgrown the 2nd generation iPods that I started with, moving on to hopefully better things!!

Organizing my AP Chemistry class in iTunesU – Using the flipped model, I think this will help students keep track of their assignments and I like the fact that there is a check box system that they can check off things as they are completed. Only downside is that students will need to make sure that any videos they need are downloaded when they are connected to wifi, only an issue for those students who do not have internet or wireless capability at home.

Writing an electronic lab manual – I am loving iBooks author. I am eliminating the constant handing out of paper copies of labs by creating an interactive eBook. iBooks author and have so many options for widgets that can be embedded into the book….making this a totally engaging experience.

I am also exploring different apps to use in the classroom….that will be another days post.

Course Selection vs Effort for College Success


Screen Shot 2013-06-20 at 2.31.38 PM

I really struggle to understand how a student can have a career goal and not take the appropriate high school courses to help them achieve that goal. If your planned major in college is going to be a science field….you better take all the science you can in high school. I find it hard to convince students of this and some parents. Yes, a good GPA is important, but should that be the only criteria for course selection?  the “easy A”?

I recently had a student who waited until his senior year to take chemistry, this selection gave him no opportunity to take AP Chemistry or the Intro to Organic chemistry in a high school setting. He visited me often for help during his first year of college, all the while kicking himself for not making better choices in high school. In some ways, removing the “tracking” system in course assignments and giving students more flexibility is at a disadvantage to them if they are unable to make good choices or choose based on career goals and guidance counselor recommendations.

There has to be some study out there that could back up my theory, I may have to look for one or do the research myself.

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In my opinion….


Throwing this out there…….
The attached graph is one of my discussion points with students (the ones who take my classes) during the first week of school. I am probably one of the biggest supporters of technology in the classroom. However, I’m not sure how close these lines are getting to each other. My point being that if these two lines can merge, students would have more freedom in school with technology in regards to its use and internet access. I don’t feel this is something that can be totally accomplished in school. We as parents also need to model appropriate/ethical use as well. Only together (school & parents) can we tackle the negative impacts of inappropriate technology use.

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Projects for this school year…

  • Just finished my latest course through the University of Maryland, Chemical Ecology…quite interesting and challenging…My best description of how I felt most of the time “Like I was on a scavenger hunt, blindfolded, in a foreign country”
  • I have been busy preparing my first organic course that I am teaching this year to an incredible student.
  • Looking into starting a science national honor society…If anyone has any thoughts on this…I welcome them.
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Walter J DeLacy Award – November 17


Link to my award from Pennsylvania School Study Council.

Exemplary Program Award


Just received notification that my program, “Flipping the Classroom Through Technology Integration” has been chosen as an Exemplary Program through Shippensburg University School Study Council. The awards presentation is April 18…On top of that excitement…I also have to speak…now I’m really nervous. 🙂


Impact of Technology in My Classroom


Of all of your experiences in my classroom related to technology, what do you feel has made the most impact on your education?

  • I have more references to do the best I possibly can on assignments.
  • The use of mole calc and the other ipod apps that makes simple calculations faster.
  • The Ipod. it allows me to access information anytime i need to.
  • The Google apps part, I have continued to use them especially in college when I was part of a group and had a collaborative project to work on
  • Moodle has made the biggest impact on my education because if a student wasn’t at school, they can catch up on assignment in moodle. Also, if a student forgets materials at school, most of them are in moodle. It also can be used to quiz students and help them study.
  • I really liked the livescribe pen. It was really beneficial to watch and hear what the teacher was doing as they did a problem with the pen.
  • The use of Moodle has greatly improved my education. Unlike in other classes, I am able to access lessons and materials that I may have missed in class and supplemental information. Instead of waiting to ask the teacher a question, I am usually able to find a resource in Moodle around the clock. Online quizzes and self-study lessons that we complete at home free up more time to spend learning topics in class. I also feel prepared for the transition to a course management system in college.
  • We have learned how to use technology to it’s fullest value for what we need it for. The largest impact is using google docs and other tools for saving and creating projects
  • Hands on activities, this makes me remember things more that a lecture. Even doing chalk board activities is more beneficial.
  • The use of the laptops. I’ve have learned very many new shortcuts, and easier ways of doing things.
  • Moodle has made the most impact on my education because it is similar to the website Angel, which is the major website I use through my university. The similarities made the transition for me much easier when I got to college.
  • I am a technophobe by default. This class really prepared me for life in the real workforce. Especially the skills in excel and other databases which are almost required to find a good job. By incorporating different varieties of technology, a wide variety of knowledge was taught to me that has not gone unused.
  • Moodle has had the most impact because it has helped me with the adjustment into using my university’s system.
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Student Responses to the “Flipped” Model


I recently conducted a survey of past and present students to help assess the impact of this model on their education. I thought I’d share their responses.

The incorporation of iPods and recording lecture is a key component of my plan to “flip” my classroom. What is your thoughts of this concept of removing the lecture from the classroom and replacing it with more lab work and collaboration with classmates?

  • This would allow us to work problems in the classroom with the teacher rather than struggle with problems at my house and not totally understand the information.
  • By having lectures on the iPods that are assigned for homework, I am given time to reflect on the lesson and prepare questions for the following day’s discussion. Also, I am able to re-watch lectures if I do not understand something or when I am reviewing for an exam. Apps on the iPods provide useful tools that are helpful, educational, and informative. I couldn’t imagine completing such a rigorous course as AP Chem without the iPods.
  • With doing the lectures at home it allows us more personal time with the teacher to ask questions and focus on specific problems and concepts. This works very well and is easier to learn with when we can ask questions.
  • I think class should include a balance of lecture and lab work through the use of technology. This could include listening to instructions for labs via iPods before class starts to save time, but also learning through lectures in class because that helps with the learning process for some people.
  • I was in the first group to use the iPods, and I absolutely loved having more time in class to do the procedures and experiments. This really prepared me for the college level. When you walk into a lab in college you simply do the lab and leave. All prelab research, prelab questions, the lab report, and all other components of the lab that are not included in the experimental procedure are performed on your own outside of class. By removing lecture from class, not only does it free up more class time to do lab work but also promotes self disipline in students to perform the work needed beforehand. This will definitely prepare them for future labs at a higher institution.
  • instructions for labs via iPods before class starts to save time, but also learning through lectures in class because that helps with the learning process for some people.

This response is big to the success of this model.

  • I feel like that’s a good idea as long as your students are committed.

Please list what you see as advantages for you by the restructuring and elimination of most of the components of a “traditional” classroom. Traditional meaning teacher lectures, you take home an assignment. (ie worksheet, textbook assignment etc)

  • Less time listening to the teacher ramble and more time working.
  • There will be more help provided upon the problem solving part of the subject being learned.
  • I can ask questions I wouldn’t be able to at home.
  • I enjoyed not having lectures all the time, this allowed for me to go the extra step and learn it and understand the material because of the hands on part that was available
  • It is more hands on learning which suits some peoples’ learning styles. It also helps to get students to learn more independently.
  • -Exposes us to technology, which will be a major component of our lives in the future -Makes class interesting. We are always doing something different and avoid getting into a boring routine – Watching lectures at home allows for more time in class for questions, discussions, and problem solving
  • Allows greater time for discussion and working through certain concepts.
  • More technology is the future. I like using it more and it makes things a lot easier because they are all located in the same place.
  • By using technology outside of class, you will be able to incorporate more lab activities that apply to the real world in a classroom setting. This helps you understand what you are learning in your lectures much easier. College is also very technology-based, so by using technology in high school the transition will be easier.
  • I feel that giving a different approach to teaching rather than the “traditional” classroom setting is a huge advantage, especially in a high school setting. It’s still important to incorporate the traditional means in some way, but by eliminating some unnecessary components such as simple worksheets can create a higher level of education. By switching the method and giving lecture at home and the hands on assignment in class, students are more prone to understand the assignments. Lectures are often self explanatory but the assignments not so much.
  • Advantages of restructuring the learning experience could be more hands on learning. If a student is prepared for class, instead of relying on the professor’s lecturing, then techniques and lessons could be learned faster. Another advantage of restructuring that I have experienced is with ANGEL, which is similar to Moodle, but it helps facilitate communication and testing/quizzing on material.
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